Our Exam Preparation Courses, targeted at CEFR levels B2 & C2, prepare the students for the FCE/ECCE (Lower) and CPE/ECPE (Proficiency) exams of the Cambridge and Michigan Universities respectively.
These courses are targeted at all university students, professionals or adults who want to acquire an excellent command of the English language.
The duration of the courses is one academic year (October to May).
B2 Level Course: B1 Certification or a score of 50-55% in our school’s Placement Test.
C2 Level Course: B2 Certification or a score higher than 65% in our school’s Placement Test.
Course Schedule
Number of students Hours (total) Duration
7 – 9 students 210 hours 30 weeks
5 – 6 students 180 hours 30 weeks
3 – 4 students 150 hours 30 weeks
1 – 2 students 120 hours 30 weeks